A physical directory: or A translation of the dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physitians…
Author: Culpeper, Nicholas Person pageAuthor Occupation: gentleman
Author Occupation: physician
Translator: Culpeper, Nicholas Person page
Printer: Cole, Peter Person page
Book Seller: Cole, Peter Person page
Title: A physical directory: or a translation of the dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physitians of London, and by them imposed upon all the apothecaries of England to make up their medicines by. Whereunto is added, the vertues of the simples, and compounds. And in this second edition are seven hundred eighty four additions the general heads whereof are these: viz. 1. The dose (or quantity to be taken at one time) and use, both of simples and compounds. 2. The method of ordering the body after sweating and purging medicines. 3. Cautions (to all ignorant people) upon all simples or compounds that are dangerous. With many other additions, in every page, marked with the letter A. The second edition much enlarged, by Nich. Culpeper Gent. studient in physick.
Short Title: A physical directory: or A translation of the dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physitians…
Imprint: London : printed by Peter Cole, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1650.
Date: 1650
First Edition: n
Pages: 244
Original Language: Latin
Format: 2
Genre: dispensatory
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Bookseller Place: Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, London
Place of: Printer Place: Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, London
EEBO: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:eebo&rft_id=xri:eebo:image:50940
ESTC: http://estc.bl.uk/R13967
Public Image URL: https://archive.org/details/b3032418x/