Advertisement. At the Angel and Crown in King-street, near Cheap-side, next door to…

Author: Pechey, John Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Title: Advertisement. At the Angel and Crown in King-street, near Cheap-side, next door to the ally that leads into Ironmonger-lane, the sick may have advice for nothing. And approv’d medicines at reasonable rates, such as have been found by many years experience successful to admiration, in the cure of fevers, agues, of the cholic, griping in the guts, bloody flux, vomiting and loosness, of coughs, chin-coughs, worms, rickets, of the jaundice, scurvey, ...
Short Title: Advertisement. At the Angel and Crown in King-street, near Cheap-side, next door to…
Imprint: [London : s.n., 1685?]
Date: 1685
First Edition: y
Pages: 1
Format: 8
Genre: advert
Topic: practitioner, promotional
Topic: remedies, multiple