Alexicacus spirit of salt of the world, which vulgarly prepar’d is call’d the spirit of…

Author: Rhodokanakēs, Kōnstantinos Person page
Author Occupation: royal practitioner
Author Occupation: alchemist or chemist
Printer: D., R.   Person page
Title: Alexicacus spirit of salt of the world, which vulgarly prepar’d is call’d the spirit of salt. Or, the transcendent virtue of the true spirit of salt long look’d for, and now philosophically prepared and purified from all hurtfull or corroding qualities, far beyond any thin yet known to the world: being both safe and pleasant for the use of all men, women, and children. By Constantine Rhodocanaces, Grecian of the Isle Chios, and one of his Majesty’s chymists. In a physicall laboratory in London, next door to the Three Kings-Inne, in Southampton Buildings, near the Kings Gate in Holborn. Where all manner of chymicall preparations are carried on without any sophistication or abuses whatsoever. By His Majesties special direction and allowance.
Short Title: Alexicacus spirit of salt of the world, which vulgarly prepar’d is call’d the spirit of…
Imprint: London : by R.D. in the year 1664.
Date: 1664
First Edition: v
Pages: 16
Format: 4
Genre: advert
Topic: chemical
Topic: remedy, single
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London