Aristotle’s master-piece: or, The secrets of generation displayed...
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: none
Title: Aristotle’s master-piece: or, The secrets of generation displayed in all the parts thereof containing [1.] The signs of barrenness. 2. The way of getting [a] boy or girl. 3. Of the likeness of children to [p]arents. 4. Of the infusion of the soul into the [i]nfant. 5. Of monstrous births, and the reasons [th]ereof. 6. Of the benefit of marriage to both [s]exes. 7. The prejudice of unequal matches. [8.] The discovery of insufficiency. 9. The cause [an]d cure of the green. [sic] sickness. 10. A discourse [of] virginity. 11. How a midwife ought to be [qu]alified. 12. Directions and cautions to midwives. [13]. Of the organs of generation in women. [14]. The fabrick of the womb. 15. The use and [act]ion of the genitals. 16. Signs of conception, [an]d whether of a male or female. 17. To discover [fals]e conception. 18. Instructions for women [wit]h child. 19. For preventing miscarriage. [20.] For women in child-bed. ... To which is added, a word of ad[vice] to both sexes in the act of copulation, and [the] pictures of several monstrous births. [Very] necessary for all midwives, nurses, and young-married women
Short Title: Aristotle’s master-piece: or, The secrets of generation displayed...
Imprint: London : [printed] for W.B. and are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1695.
Date: 1695
First Edition: n
Pages: 192
Format: 8
Genre: midwifery manual
Topic: reproduction
Topic: midwifery
Place of: Printer Place: [unspecified], London