Choice and profitable secrets both physical, and chirurgical: formerly concealed by the deceased Dutchess of…

Author: Wood, Owen Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Publisher: Stafford, J.   Person page
Title: Choice and profitable secrets both physical, and chirurgical: formerly concealed by the deceased Dutchess of Lenox, and now published for the use and benefit of such as live farre from physicians and chirurgions: being approved of by eminent doctors, and published by their charitable advice for the publike good. Whereunto is annexed A discovery of the natures and properties of all such herbs which are most commonly knowne, and grow in countrey-gardens.
Short Title: Choice and profitable secrets both physical, and chirurgical: formerly concealed by the deceased Dutchess of…
Imprint: London : printed for John Stafford at the signe of the George neer unto Fleet-Bridge, 1658.
Date: 1658
First Edition: n
Pages: 444
Format: 12
Genre: secrets
Topic: plant
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Bookseller    Place: signe of the George at Fleet-bridge, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London