Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in…

Author: Galen Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Translator: Jones, John   Person page
Publisher: Jones, William   Person page
Printer: Williamson, W.   Person page
Book Seller: Jones, William   Person page
Title: Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in my iudgement, be entituled, for the better vnderstanding of the readers, The originall of all thinges naturall in the vvhole vvorlde: confuting, as well the errours of all them that went befor time, as that hath, or shal folowe hereafter of the Paracelcians: marueilous pleasaunt, and most acceptable for all sharpe wittes, desirous of wisedome,) published foorth of Latine into English, by Iohn Iones, phisition.
Short Title: Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in…
Imprint: Imprinted at London : By William Williamson for VVilliam Iones, dwelling in Paules Churche yarde, at the southvvest doore of Paules, and are there to be solde,
Date: 1574
First Edition: y
Pages: 20
Original Language: Greek
Interm Language: Latin
Format: 4
Topic: environment
Place of: Publisher    Place: in Paules Churche yarde, at the southvvest doore of Paules, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London