...the seing of urynes...
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: none
Printer: Waley, John Person page
Title: Here beginneth the seing of urynes, and of all the colours that urynes be of, with the medecines annexed to euerye urine, and euery urine his urinal muche profitable for euerye manne to knowe.
Short Title: ...the seing of urynes...
Imprint: [Imprinted at London : By Jhon Waley dwelling in Foster lane, [1557?]]
Date: 1557
First Edition: n
Pages: 96
Format: 8
Genre: urine
Topic: signs, bodily
Place of: Printer Place: Foster lane, London
EEBO: http://gateway.proquest.com/openurl?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2003&res_id=xri:eebo&rft_id=xri:eebo:image:4973
ESTC: http://estc.bl.uk/S104731