Read, try, judge, and speak as you find. Just by Ludgate, at the Black Ball…
Author: Saffold, Thomas Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Author Occupation: astrologer or astronomer
Title: Read, try, judge, and speak as you find. Just by Ludgate, at the Black Ball and Lilly’s Head, next door to the Feather-shops that are within Black-Friars Gate-way, which is over against Ludgate Church, still liveth Thomas Saffold, an approved and licensed physician, and student in Astrology. Of him the sick may have advice for nothing.
Short Title: Read, try, judge, and speak as you find. Just by Ludgate, at the Black Ball…
Imprint: [London : s.n., between 1674 and 1691]
Date: 16741691
First Edition: v
Pages: 1
Format: 2
Genre: advert
Topic: practitioner, promotional