Secretes. Or soueraigne receipts well experimented and tryed by diuerse authours contaynynge notalb remedies agaynste…

Author: Ruscelli, Girolamo Person page
Author Occupation: none
Translator: Ward, William   Person page
Printer: Hall, Roland   Person page
Title: Secretes. Or soueraigne receipts well experimented and tryed by diuerse authours contaynynge notalb remedies agaynste diuers sicknesses and diseases, wounds, and other accidents, with the maner to make distillations, parfumes, dyings, colours, and meltings: with many other artificiall sciences, very profitable for euery man.
Short Title: Secretes. Or soueraigne receipts well experimented and tryed by diuerse authours contaynynge notalb remedies agaynste…
Imprint: Printed at London : by Rouland Hall, dwellyng in Gutter lane, at the sygne of the halfe Egle and the Keye,
Date: 1562
First Edition: v
Pages: 176
Original Language: Italian
Interm Language: French
Format: 4
Genre: secrets
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: Gutter lane at the signe of the halfe Egle and the Keye, London