The admirable virtue of spiritus vitæ deauratus, or the golden spirit of life. This spirit…
Author: Russell, John Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Printer: Mabb, Thomas Person page
Title: The admirable virtue of spiritus vitæ deauratus, or the golden spirit of life. This spirit is of such a wonderfull virtue, that it encounterswith all the enemies of mans health, it fortifies the memory and the animal and vitall faculties of the brain, and takes away all the paines of the head in a moment....
Short Title: The admirable virtue of spiritus vitæ deauratus, or the golden spirit of life. This spirit…
Imprint: [London] : Printed according to order by T. Mabb, [1658?].
Date: 1658
First Edition: y
Pages: 1
Format: 2
Genre: advert
Topic: remedy, single
Place of: Printer Place: [unspecified], London