The bathes of Bathes ayde...

Author: Jones, John Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Publisher: Jones, William   Person page
Printer: East, Thomas   Person page
Book Seller: East, Thomas   Person page
Title: The bathes of Bathes ayde: wonderfull and most excellent, agaynst very many sicknesses, approued by authoritie, confirmed by reason, and dayly tryed by experience: vvith the antiquitie, commoditie, propertie, knovvledge, vse, aphorismes, diet, medicine, and other thinges therto be considered and obserued. Compendiously compiled by Iohn Iones phisition. Anno salutis. 1572. At Asple Hall besydes Notting[h]am.
Short Title: The bathes of Bathes ayde...
Imprint: Printed at London : [by Thomas East] for william Iones: and are to be solde at his new long shop at the west dore of Pauls Church, 13. Maij. [1572]
Date: 1572
First Edition: y
Pages: 96
Format: 4
Genre: other
Topic: waters, spas
Place of: Bookseller    Place: long shop at the west dore of Paules. Church, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London