The breuiary of helthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the whiche may be…

Author: Boorde, Andrew Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Printer: Middleton, William   Person page
Title: The breuiary of helthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the whiche may be in man, or woman doth folowe. Expressynge the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latyn, and Barbary. [sic] in to englysh concerning phisicke and chierurgye compyled by Andrewe Boord of phisicke Doctour an englysh man.
Short Title: The breuiary of helthe, for all maner of syckenesses and diseases the whiche may be…
Imprint: Imprynted at London : in Fletestrete at the sygne of the George next to saynt Dunstones churche by Wylllyam Myddelton, in the yere of our Lorde M.CCCCC.xlvii., the. xv. daye of Iuly. 15 July,
Date: 1547
First Edition: y
Pages: 356
Format: 4
Genre: regimen
Topic: regimen
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: Fletestrete at the Signe of the George nere to saynt Dunstones churche, London
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