The history of generation. Examining the several opinions of divers authors, especially that of Sir…

Author: Highmore, Nathaniel Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Author Occupation: university affiliation
Publisher: Martin, John   Person page
Printer: N., R.   Person page
Title: The history of generation. Examining the several opinions of divers authors, especially that of Sir Kenelm Digby, in his discourse of bodies. With a general relation of the manner of generation, as well in plants as animals: with some figures delineating the first originals of some creatures, evidently demonstrating the rest. To which is joyned a discourse of the cure of wounds by sympathy, or without any real applycation of medicines to the part affected, but especially by that powder, known chiefly by the name of Sir Gilbert Talbots powder. By Nath. Highmore lately of Trinity Colledge in Oxford, Doctor of Physick.
Short Title: The history of generation. Examining the several opinions of divers authors, especially that of Sir…
Imprint: London : Printed by R.N. for John Martin, and are to be sold at the Bell in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1651.
Date: 1651
First Edition: y
Pages: 160
Format: 8
Genre: controversy
Topic: anatomy
Topic: reproduction
Place of: Bookseller    Place: the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London