The physitian’s library, containing all the works of the most famous physitians following, viz. Dan…
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Translator: Culpeper, Nicholas Person page
Translator: Cole, Abdiah Person page
Printer: Cole, Peter Person page
Printer: Cole, Edward Person page
Title: The physitian’s library, containing all the works of the most famous physitians following, viz. Dan. Sennertus. Laz. Riverius. Fel. Platerus. Tho. Bartholinus. Joh. Riolanus. Joh. Veslingus. Joh. Johnston. Nich. Culpeper. Mart. Ruland. Zacut. Lusitanus. Wil. Rnd. Joh. Fernelius & Abdiah Cole. All which are of excellent use for rational persons; especially for all chyrurgeons at sea in his Most Royal Majesties ships; and all others that are on trading voyages, for the advancement of the wealth and honor of his kingdoms.
Short Title: The physitian’s library, containing all the works of the most famous physitians following, viz. Dan…
Imprint: London : printed by Peter Cole and Edward Cole, printers and book-sellers, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1663.
Date: 1663
First Edition: n
Pages: 1854
Original Language: Latin
Format: 2
Genre: general medical guide
Topic: anatomy
Topic: disease, causes of
Topic: remedies, multiple
Topic: surgery
Place of: Printer Place: Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, London