The Sclopotarie of Iosephus Quercetanus, phisition. Or His booke containing the cure of wounds receiued…
Author: du Chesne (Quercetanus), Joseph Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Translator: Hester, John Person page
Publisher: Sheldrake, John Person page
Printer: Ward, Roger Person page
Title: The Sclopotarie of Iosephus Quercetanus, phisition. Or His booke containing the cure of wounds receiued by shot of gunne or such like engines of warre. Whereunto is added his spagericke antidotary of medicines against the aforesayd woundes. Published into English by Iohn Hester, practitioner in the said spagiricall arte.
Short Title: The Sclopotarie of Iosephus Quercetanus, phisition. Or His booke containing the cure of wounds receiued…
Imprint: London : Printed by Roger Ward, for Iohn Sheldrake, 1590.
Date: 1590
First Edition: y
Pages: 112
Original Language: Latin
Format: 4
Genre: other
Topic: chemical
Topic: surgery
Place of: Printer Place: [unspecified], London