Colbatch, John

Number of books: 15

VIAF Lookup

As Author:

Colbatch, John. Novum lumen chirurgicum vindicatum, or, the new light of chirurgery vindicated from the many unjust…... 1695
Colbatch, John. Novum lumen chirurgicum: or, a new light of chirurgery. Wherein is discovered, a much more…... 1695
Colbatch, John. A physico medical essay, concerning alkaly and acid, so far as they have relation to…... 1696
Colbatch, John. Some farther considerations concerning alkaly and acid, by way of appendix to a late essay…... 1696
Colbatch, John. Some farther considerations concerning alkaly and acid, by way of appendix to a late essay…... 1696
Colbatch, John. A treatise of the gout: wherein both its cause and cure are demonstrably made appear…... 1697
Colbatch, John. A relation of a very sudden and extraordinary cure of a person bitten by a…... 1698
Colbatch, John. Four treatises of physick and chirurgery: Viz. I. A physico-medical essay concerning alkaly and…... 1698
Colbatch, John. Novum lumen chirurgicum vindicatum: or, The new light of chirurgery vindicated from the many unjust…... 1698
Colbatch, John. Novum lumen chirurgicum: or, A new light of chirugery· Wherein is discover’d a much more…... 1698
Colbatch, John. The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases farther asserted: being an answer to…... 1698
Colbatch, John. The doctrine of acids in the cure of diseases farther asserted: being an answer to…... 1698
Colbatch, John. A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical, viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; or…... 1699
Colbatch, John. Novum lumen chirurgicum: or a new light of chirurgery. Wherein is discover’d a much more…... 1699
Colbatch, John. A collection of tracts, chirurgical and medical; viz. I. A new light of chirurgery; ... II…... 1700