Books with the Person:
Jugge, Richard
Number of books: 10As Printer:Raynalde, Thomas. The byrth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented…... 1560
, Elizabeth I. By the Quene. Whereas the Quenes Maiestie by her proclamation dyd adiourne the terme of…... 1563
Queen Elizabeth I, . By the Quene. Whereas the Quenes Maiestie by her proclamation dyd adiourne the terme of…... 1563
, Elizabeth I. The Quenes Maiestie consyderyng the returne...of her faythfull subiectes...... 1563
Raynalde, Thomas. The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Newely set foorth, corrected, and augmented…... 1565
Raynalde, Thomas. The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Newely set foorth, corrected, and augmented…... 1565
Raynalde, Thomas. The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented…... 1572
Raynalde, Thomas. The birth of mankynde, otherwyse named the womans booke. Newly set foorth, corrected, and augmented…... 1585
As Publisher:Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to…... 1546
Indagine, Joannes ab. Briefe introductions, bothe naturall, pleasaunte, and also delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel…... 1558