Books with the Person:
Wyer, Robert
Number of books: 34As Printer:Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrour or glasse of helth, necessary and nedefull for euery person to…... 1531
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1535
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1535
Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrour or glasse of helth, necessary and nedefull for euery person to…... 1535
Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth... 1536
Moulton, Thomas. This is the myrrour or glasse of helth, necessary [and] nedefull for euery person to…... 1536
[author not specified], . ...the knowledge, properties, and the vertues of herbes... 1540
[author not specified], . ...the seyng of urynes...... 1540
Moulton, Thomas. This is the glasse of helth, a great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull…... 1540
Boorde, Andrew. Hereafter foloweth a compendyous regyment or a dyetary of helth, made in Mou[n]tpyllier…... 1542
[author not specified], . The antidotharius... 1542
de Chauliac, Guy. The questyonary of cyrurgyens, with the formulary of lytell Guydo in cyrurgie...... 1542
[author not specified], . A newe herball of Macer...... 1543
Bacon, Roger. ...all of the beste waters artifycyalles...... 1545
Plutarch, . Practica Plutarche the excellent phylosopher…... 1545
[author not specified], . Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable auctours of physycke…... 1545
Moulton, Thomas. This is the glasse of helth. A great treasure for pore men, necessary and nedefull…... 1547
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1548
[author not specified], . The boke of knowledge... 1548
Plutarch, . The gouernau[n]ce of good helthe, by the moste excellent phylosopher Plutarche, the most…... 1549
Bacon, Roger. ...all of the beste waters artyfycialles...... 1550
Boorde, Andrew. A compendyous regyment or dyatorye of healthe. Used at Mountpylour, compyled by doctour Lynacre, and…... 1550
Boorde, Andrew. The boke for to learne a man to be wyse in buyldyng of his howse…... 1550
Vigo, Giovanni da. This lytell practyce of Iohannes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in…... 1550
[author not specified], . Macers herbal...... 1552
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1552
Vigo, Giovanni da. This lytell practyce of Iohannes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in…... 1552
Emery, John. Here foloweth thre practyses, nowe vsed at Mountpyller, by mon syre Emery. a romayne borne…... 1554
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1554
Smyth, . ...the iudgeme[n]t of all vrynes... 1555
[author not specified], . The boke of knowledge... 1555
Moulton, Thomas. This is the glasse of helth: a great treasure for poore men, necessary and nedeful…... 1555
Vigo, Giovanni da. This lytell practyce of Joha[n]nes de Vigo in... 1555
[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1556
As Publisher:[author not specified], . The antidotharius...... 1535