1. Jones, John. The mysteries of opium reveald, by Dr. John Jones, Chancellor of Landaff, a member of…... 1700.
  2. Chamberlayne, Thomas. The compleat midwife’s practice enlarged... 1697.
  3. Chamberlayne, Thomas. The compleat midwife’s practice enlarged... 1699.
  4. Chamberlayne, Thomas. The compleat midwife’s practice enlarged, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth…... 1698.
  5. Groeneveldt, Jan. The oracle for the sick... 1685.
  6. Byfield, Timothy. A short discourse of the rise, nature, and management of the small-pox, and all…... 1695.
  7. Byfield, Timothy. Horæ subsecivæ: or, Some long-vacation hours redeem’d, for the discovery of the true sal…... 1695.
  8. Chamberlen, Hugh. Manuale medicum... 1685.
  9. Garencières, Theophilus. The admirable virtues, and wonderful effects of the true and genuine tincture of coral, in…... 1676.
  10. Harris, Walter. Pharmacologia anti-empirica: or A rational discourse of remedies both chymical and Galenical. Wherein chymistry…... 1683.
  11. Harvey, Gideon. A new discourse of the smallpox, and malignant fevers, with an exact discovery of the…... 1685.
  12. Harvey, Gideon. Gideon Harvey, against the Doctor of Paris: or, An answer to his late book, entituled…... 1683.
  13. Harvey, Gideon. The art of curing diseases by expectation... 1689.
  14. Harvey, Gideon. The art of curing diseases by expectation: with remarks on a supposed great case of…... 1689.
  15. Harvey, Gideon. The disease of London: or A new discovery of the scorvey. Comprizing the nature, manifold…... 1675.
  16. Harvey, Gideon. The disease of London: or A new discovery of the scorvey. Comprizing the nature, manifold…... 1684.
  17. Herring, Francis. Certaine rules, directions, or advertisements for this time of pestilentiall contagion. With a caveat to…... 1636.
  18. Herring, Francis. Certaine rules, directions, or advertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to…... 1603.
  19. Herring, Francis. Certaine rules, directions, or advertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to…... 1625.
  20. Johnson, William. Agyrto-mastix, or, Some brief animadversions...... 1665.
  21. Pechey, John. A collection of chronical diseases, viz. the colick: the bilious colick: hysterick diseases: the gout…... 1692.
  22. Pechey, John. A general treatise of the diseases of infants and children. Collected from the best practical…... 1697.
  23. Pechey, John. A general treatise of the diseases of maids, bigbellied women, child-bed-women, and widows…... 1696.
  24. Pechey, John. A plain and short treatise of an apoplexy, convulsions, colick, twisting of the guts, mother…... 1698.
  25. Pechey, John. A plain introduction to the art of physick, containing the fundamentals, and necessary preliminaries to…... 1697.