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Bromfield, M.. A brief account of some wonderful cures, lately performed by that well known and most highly approved medicine, called pilulæ in omnes morbos... 1680.
Bromfield, M.. A brief but most useful account of so much reigning disease the scurvy, with infallible directions for its cure... 1681.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the chief causes, signs, and effects, of that most reigning disease…... 1687.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1672.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1673.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1675.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1678.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1679.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1684.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1685.
Bromfield, M.. A brief discovery of the true causes, symptoms and effects of that most reigning disease the scurvie... 1694.
Bromfield, M.. Advertisement. As there is hardly any thing of this world more deservingly welcome to mankinde…... 1680.