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Lemnius, Levinus. A discoruse [sic] touching generation. Collected out of Lævinus Lemnius, a most learned physitian. Fit…... 1667.
Lemnius, Levinus. A discoruse [sic] touching generation…... 1667.
Lemnius, Levinus. A discourse touching generation. Collected out of Lævinus Lemnius, a most learned physitian. Fit for…... 1664.
Lemnius, Levinus. The secret miracles of nature: in four books. Learnedly and moderately treating of generation, and…... 1658.
Lemnius, Levinus. The touchstone of complexions: expedient and profitable for all such as bee desirous and carefull…... 1633.
Lemnius, Levinus. The touchstone of complexions. Generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such, as be desirous…... 1576.
Lemnius, Levinus. The touchstone of complexions. Generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such, as be desirous…... 1581.