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Record, Robert. The vrinal of physicke.... 1599.
Record, Robert. The judgment of urines. By Robert Record Doctor of Physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious…... 1679.
Record, Robert. The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious…... 1651.
Record, Robert. The urinal of physick. By Robert Record Doctor of physick. Whereunto is added an ingenious…... 1665.
Record, Robert. The vrinal of physick.... 1582.
Record, Robert. The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke…... 1547.
Record, Robert. The vrinal of physick. Composed by Mayster Robert Recorde: Doctor of Physicke…... 1548.
Record, Robert. The vrinall of physick, composed by Maister Robert Recorde, Doctor of Physicke…... 1567.