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Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are…... 1698.
Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry, containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are…... 1698.
Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing an easie method of preparing those chymical medicins which are…... 1686.
Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in…... 1677.
Lémery, Nicolas. A course of chymistry. Containing the easiest manner of performing those operations that are in…... 1680.
Lémery, Nicolas. An appendix to a course of chymistry. Being additional remarks to the former operations. Together…... 1680.
Lémery, Nicolas. Pharmacop ia Lemeriana contracta: Lemery’s universal pharmacop ia abridg’d, in a collection of recepe’s and…... 1700.
Maynwaringe, Everard. Morbus polyrhizos et polymorphæus. A treatise of the scurvy. By Everard Maynwaringe Doctor in Physick…... 1666.
Maynwaringe, Everard. Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta. The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity…... 1663.
Maynwaringe, Everard. Tutela sanitatis sive Vita protracta. The protection of long life, and detection of its brevity…... 1664.
Read, Alexander. Most excellent and approved medicines & remedies for most diseases and maladies incident to man’s body…... 1651.
Charleton, Walter. Three anatomic lectures, concerning 1. The motion of the bloud through the veins and arteries…... 1683.
Paracelsus. Paracelsus his Archidoxes: comprised in ten books, disclosing the genuine way of making quintessences, arcanums…... 1661.
Grew, Nehemiah. A treatise of the nature and use of the bitter purging salt. Easily known from…... 1697.
Degravere, Julius. Thesaurus remediorum. A treasury of choice medicines internall and externall. Exactly composed according to art…... 1662.
Goodall, Charles. The Colledge of Physicians vindicated, and the true state of physick in this nation faithfully…... 1676.
Ross, Alexander. Arcana microcosmi: or, The hid secrets of mans body disclosed; first, in an anatomical duel…... 1651.
Valentinus, Basilius. The triumphant chariot of antimony; being a conscientious discovery of the many real transcendent excellencies…... 1661.
Gardiner, Edmund. Phisicall and approved medicines, aswell in meere simples, as compound... 1611.
Gardiner, Edmund. Physicall and approved medicines, as well in meere simples, as compound obseruations. With a true…... 1624.
Gardiner, Edmund. The triall of tabacco. Wherein, his worth is most worthily expressed: as, in the name…... 1610.
[author not specified]. A dialogue ... concerning a...pamphlet called the conclave of physicians... 1686.