1. Culpeper, Nicholas. A directory for mid-wives... 1668.
  2. Grey, Elizabeth. A choice manuall, or, Rare secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the…... 1664.
  3. de Mediolano, Joannes. Conseruandæ bonæ valetudinis præcepta... 1613.
  4. Prevost, Jean. Medicaments for the poor; or, Physick for the common people. Containing, excellent remedies for most…... 1665.
  5. Brown, Andrew. In speculo teipsum contemplare Dr. Black. A looking-glass for the black band of doctors…... 1692.
  6. Mackaile, Matthew. Moffet-well: or, A topographico-spagyricall description of the mineral wells, at Moffet in Annandale…... 1664.
  7. Galen. Galen’s method of physick: or, his great master-peece; being the very marrow and quintessence…... 1656.
  8. Anderson, Patrick. The colde spring of Kinghorne Craig...... 1618.
  9. Irvine, Christopher. Medicina magnetica: or, The rare and wonderful art of curing by sympathy: laid open in…... 1656.
  10. Barclay, William. Callirhoe, the nymph of Aberdene...... 1615.
  11. Barclay, William. Nepenthes, or The vertues of tabacco...... 1614.
  12. Barclay, William. The nature & effects of the new-found well at Kinghorne...... 1618.
  13. Skeyne, Gilbert. Ane breue descriptioun of the pest quhair in the causis, signis and sum speciall preseruatioun…... 1568.
  14. Makluire, John. The Buckler of bodilie health, whereby health may bee defended, and sickesse repelled: consecrate by…... 1630.
  15. Mure, Andrew. Pidax Petreia, or, The discoverie of S. Peters well, at Peter-head, in Scotland being…... 1636.
  16. Philiatreus. The generall practise of medecine. Comprehending the most remarkable maxims appertaining to the diagnosis, where…... 1634.
  17. [author not specified]. The problemes of Aristotle...... 1595.
  18. Anderson, Katherine. Grana angelica, or, The Rare and singular vertues and uses... 1677.