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Galen. Certaine workes of Galens called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of The worthie art…... 1567.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. A verye excellent and profitable booke conteining sixe hundred foure score and odde experienced medicines…... 1569.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. The thyrde and last parte of the Secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemont…... 1566.
Gesner, Konrad. The newe iewell of health, wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and…... 1576.
Cary, Walter. A breefe treatise, called Caryes farewell to physicke newlie imprinted and augmented: wherein are to…... 1587.
Cary, Walter. A briefe tre[atise,] called Caries fare[well to] physicke: wherein a[re to] be…... 1583.
Cary, Walter. A briefe treatise, called Caries farewell to physicke: wherein thou... 1583.
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1580.
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1581.
della Roca Cocles, Bartolommeo. The contemplation of mankinde, contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all…... 1571.
Morus, Horatius. Tables of surgerie, brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good…... 1585.