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Fioravanti, Leonardo. A compendium of the rationall secretes, of the worthie knight and moste excellent doctour of…... 1582.
Partridge, John. The widowes treasure, plentifully furnished with secretes in phisicke: & chirurgery. Hereunto adioyned, sundrie prety practises…... 1582.
Galen. Certaine workes of Galens called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of The worthie art…... 1567.
Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke…... 1553.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. The seconde part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont: by hym collected out…... 1580.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. The seconde part of the Secretes of Master Alexis of Piemont…... 1560.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont: containyng excellente remedies against diuerse diseases…... 1580.
Ruscelli, Girolamo. The secretes of the reuerende Maister Alexis of Piemount. Containyng excellente remedies against diuers diseases…... 1558.
Bullein, William. A comfortable regiment, and a very wholsome order against the moste perilous pleurisi whereof many…... 1562.
Bullein, William. A dialogue bothe pleasant and pitifull, wherein is a godlie regimente against the feuer pestile…... 1578.
Bullein, William. A dialogue bothe pleasaunt and pietifull, wherein is a godlie regiment against the feuer pestilence…... 1573.
Bullein, William. A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull, wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence…... 1564.
Bullein, William. A dialogue bothe pleasaunte and pietifull, wherein is a goodly regimente against the feuer pestilence…... 1564.
Bullein, William. Bulleins bulwarke of defe[n]ce againste all sicknes, sornes, and woundes, that dooe daily…... 1562.
Moore, Philip. The hope of health wherin is conteined a goodlie regimente of life: as medicine, good…... 1564.
Moore, Philip. The hope of health, wherein is conteined a goodlie regiment of life: as medicine, good…... 1565.
Geminus, Thomas. Compendiosa totius anatomie delineatio, ære exarata: per Thomam Geminum…... 1559.