- Heydon, John. The English physitians guide: or a holy-guide, leading the... 1662.
- Heydon, John. The holy guide, leading the way to vnite art and nature: in which is made…... 1662.
- Heydon, John. The holy guide: leading the way to the wonder of the world: (a compleat phisitian…... 1662.
- Paracelsus. Paracelsus his Dispensatory and chirurgery. The dispensatory contains the choisest of his physical remedies. And…... 1656.
- [author not specified]. The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened: containing many rare secrets and rich ornaments, of several…... 1655.
- [author not specified]. The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened: containing many rare secrets, and rich ornaments of several…... 1654.