1. Brugis, Thomas. Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chirvrgion. Fitted for times of peace or war…... 1657.
  2. Coles, William. Adam in Eden: or, Natures paradise. The history of plants, fruits, herbs and flowers. With…... 1657.
  3. Culpeper, Nicholas. A directory for midwives... 1671.
  4. Culpeper, Nicholas. A directory for midwives... 1671.
  5. Culpeper, Nicholas. Pharmacopoia Londinensis: or, The London dispensatory... 1667.
  6. Culpeper, Nicholas. Pharmacopoia Londinensis: or, The London dispensatory... 1669.
  7. Culpeper, Nicholas. Pharmacopoia Londinensis: or, The London dispensatory... 1672.
  8. Culpeper, Nicholas. The English physitian enlarged... 1666.
  9. Culpeper, Nicholas. The English physitian enlarged... 1671.
  10. Culpeper, Nicholas. The English physitian enlarged: with three hundred, sixty, and nine medicines, made of English herbs…... 1669.
  11. Culpeper, Nicholas. Two treatises: the first of blood-letting, and the diseases to be cured thereby. The…... 1672.
  12. Lemnius, Levinus. A discoruse [sic] touching generation. Collected out of Lævinus Lemnius, a most learned physitian. Fit…... 1667.
  13. Lemnius, Levinus. A discoruse [sic] touching generation…... 1667.
  14. Lemnius, Levinus. A discourse touching generation. Collected out of Lævinus Lemnius, a most learned physitian. Fit for…... 1664.
  15. Lemnius, Levinus. The secret miracles of nature: in four books. Learnedly and moderately treating of generation, and…... 1658.
  16. Massaria, Alessandro. The womans counsellour: or, The feminine physitian. Modestly treating of such occult accidents, and secret…... 1664.
  17. Prevost, Jean. Medicaments for the poor or Physick for the common people. In two books, I. containing…... 1670.
  18. Ramesey, William. Helminthologia. Or, Some physical considerations of the matter, origination, and several species of wormes, macerating…... 1668.
  19. Rivière, Lazare. The practice of physick in seventeen several books wherein is plainly set forth the nature…... 1668.
  20. Rivière, Lazare. The practice of physick, in seventeen several books. Wherein is plainly set forth, the nature…... 1672.
  21. Sennert, Daniel. Two treatises. The first, of the venereal pox. Wherein is shewed, I. The name and…... 1673.
  22. Smith, John. A compleat practice of physick. Wherein is plainly described, the nature, causes, dofferences, and signs…... 1656.
  23. Tanner, John. The hidden treasures of the art of physick; fully discovered, in four books. Containing 1…... 1667.
  24. Tanner, John. The hidden treasures of the art of physick; fully discovered. In four books. Containing 1…... 1672.
  25. Bartholin, Thomas. Bartholinus anatomy... 1668.