1. Levens, Peter. A right profitable booke for all diseases, called The pathway to health. Wherein are to…... 1608.
  2. Partridge, John. The treasurie of hidden secrets. Commonlie called, The good-huswiues closet of prouision, for the…... 1608.
  3. Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure, or treasor for Englishmen: vvith the true anatomye of mans body, compiled…... 1586.
  4. Wecker, Johann Jacob. A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but…... 1585.
  5. Wecker, Johann Jacob. A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but…... 1585.
  6. Jorden, Edward. A briefe discourse of a disease called the suffocation of the mother. Written vppon occasion…... 1603.
  7. Bright, Timothie. A treatise of melancholy. Contayning the causes thereof, and reasons of the straunge effects it…... 1586.
  8. Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone... 1584.
  9. Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1584.
  10. Kellwaye, Simon. A defensatiue against the plague: contayning two partes or treatises: the first, shewing the meanes…... 1593.
  11. Hobbes, Stephen. A nevv treatise of the pestilence, containing the causes, signes, preseruatiues and cure thereof. The…... 1603.
  12. City of London (England). Court of Aldermen.. Orders conceiued and agreed to be published, by the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the…... 1608.
  13. City of London (England). Court of Aldermen.. Orders conceiued and thought fit, asvvell by the Lord Maior of the City of London…... 1608.