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Read, Alexander. A treatise of all the muscles of the whole body. By Alexander Read, Doctor of…... 1650.
Read, Alexander. The manual of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man: containing the enumeration…... 1658.
Read, Alexander. The manuall of the anatomy of the body of man: containing the enumeration and description…... 1650.
Read, Alexander. The manuall of the anatomy or dissection of the body of man: containing the enumeration…... 1655.
Read, Alexander. The workes of that famous physitian Dr. Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick, and one of…... 1650.
Read, Alexander. The workes of that famous physitian Dr. Alexander Read, Doctor of Physick, and one of…... 1659.
Brian, Thomas. The pisse-prophet or, Certain pisse-pot lectures. Wherein are newly discovered the old fallacies…... 1655.
Brian, Thomas. The pisse-prophet, or, Certaine pisse-pot lectures. Wherein are newly discovered the old fallacies…... 1637.