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Lupton, Thomas. A thousand notable things of sundry sorts, enlarged. Whereof some are VVonderfull, some strange, some…... 1675.
Lupton, Thomas. A thousand notable things of sundry sorts, enlarged. Whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some…... 1670.
Lupton, Thomas. A thousand notable things of sundry sorts: whereof some are wonderful, some strange, some pleasant…... 1650.
Partridge, John. The treasurie of hidden secrets: commonly called, the good-huswiues closet of prouision, for the…... 1627.
Partridge, John. The widdovves treasure... 1627.
Salmon, William. Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. In III. books. Containing a…... 1683.
Salmon, William. Doron medicum: or, A supplement to the new London dispensatory. In III. books. Containing a…... 1683.
Salmon, William. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, or, the new London dispensatory…... 1678.
Boules, R.. The Queens royal closet, newly opened. And the art of physick discovered. By that most…... 1675.
Royal College of Physicians of London. Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI books. Translated into English for the…... 1682.