Tables of surgerie, brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good…

Author: Morus, Horatius Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Translator: Caldwall, Richard   Person page
Printer: Denham, Henry   Person page
Title: Tables of surgerie, brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good method, collected and gathered out of the best physicians by Horatius Morus a Florentine physician: and faithfullie translated out of Latine into our English toong, by Richard Caldwall doctor of physicke.
Short Title: Tables of surgerie, brieflie comprehending the whole art and practise thereof in a maruelous good…
Imprint: At London : Imprinted by Henrie Denham dwelling in Aldersgate streete, at the signe of the starre, 1585.
Date: 1585
First Edition: y
Pages: 36
Original Language: Latin
Format: 2
Genre: surgical guide
Topic: signs, bodily
Place of: Printer    Place: Aldersgate street at the signe of the Starre, London
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